Anyone can become an excellent doctor yet only 1% of doctors are remembered by their patients, so be the doctor that people remember all time.
One of the most important things a doctor can do is to leave a positive and long-lasting impression on their patients. This means that they should make sure to be as kind, caring, and compassionate as possible. They should also take the time to listen carefully to what their patients are telling them without interrupting or rushing them.
Doctors should also try their best not to be distracted when interacting with patients. They should focus on the patient and what they are saying rather than checking emails or texts during an appointment. They should also work hard at making sure that their office is clean and well-organized so that it does not distract from the patient experience.
If you want to become one, read on!
You Can Read People Vividly
One of the most vital qualities of great doctors is to understand people. The 1st thing you need to do is “Listening”, to let the people express how they feel, what’re the symptoms they’re complaining about. Some doctors suppose that they know everything about the patient’s case by the first impression, they judge based on other cases they’ve experienced before but this can lead to fatal mistakes in the overall diagnosis.
As a result of the wrong diagnosis, a doctor could prescribe the wrong medicine which leads to severe health problems for the patient.
So you should listen to people, and communicate with them effectively, this will help you in a better understanding of their cases. To become an excellent communicator, start with “Questions”, always ask about what bothers your patients. The more questions you ask the better you understand the full picture of the case.
This is the 1st step, be the doctor that people remember all time.
You’re Systematic & Well Organized
You can succeed in any task that you set your mind to. You have a natural talent for planning your patient info files, prioritizing medical cases according to emergencies. To be systematic, you must assure that your patients have a clear plan of action upon leaving your office. Your patient should have a clear idea of what will be done in the next week like the time of taking pills, what should they eat, and what to avoid.
In addition, You should take a gap of time between one case and the other, So you check the patient file case. By doing this you’re avoiding conflict among different patients you examine. Another point to consider is to make your office well organized, it reflects how ready you’re besides giving the patient a sense of calm impression.
Your success as a doctor is largely due to your organizational skills, which allow you to efficiently manage time and resources. You can organize your patient’s information with ease and have a knack for finding the right way to get the job done. Your attention to detail helps you avoid mistakes that other doctors might make when completing tasks; you are quick to notice any errors or inconsistencies in plans or processes.
People aren’t a List of Medical Problems and Medications
Patients aren’t interested in knowing whether you get your medical degree from Harvard or Cambridge or any other high medicine college. A lot of patients want to make sure they are in good hands. This is why they trust & appreciate a doctor who listens patiently and doesn’t dismiss their concerns. Such doctors will also be sympathetic and make their patients feel like they can share whatever it is that’s making them worry.
Patients need to know that they are not alone and that there is someone who is with them, taking care of them, listening to their problems. They cannot do this themselves and medical professionals have too many patients to take care of. That’s why empathy for patients needs to be fostered in the staff at the doctor’s office.
Your Curiosity Is Never Be Fulfilled
Doctors should not forget that curiosity is the main basis of their profession. Their patients come to them with a myriad of symptoms and problems that they have no idea how to solve, but it is their job to find solutions. Without a regular dose of curiosity and a willingness to explore, doctors will be stuck doing the same tasks they’ve always done while their patients suffer.
Discovering new ways to approach old problems is what makes them doctors in the first place. They should embrace curiosity as an important part of what makes them who they are otherwise they risk losing touch with why they became doctors in the first place. Make sure that you always read the newly published medicine books, new research, attending seminars.
Don’t be shy or arrogant to learn from your colleges, the more you learn, and acquire new information daily, you guarantee to be on the top of the best doctors worldwide. This directly lets you find creative solutions to hopeless cases, in addition to giving patients the hope they want.
Be Affirmative & Confident in Your Decisions
Doctors should trust their judgments since they are trained and know what they are doing. They don’t need to be over-dependent on the reports of others, or on the results from the laboratory machines or imaging techniques, not to mention what all those other doctors have done in the past.
Another point is the more unnecessary time you spend on making extra tests, and taking a deeper look at several kinds of research, the worse your patient case becomes. So have the courage to make firm decisions and avoid wasting time & money on those extra tests.
Be Humble & Admit Your Knowledge Gaps
A humble doctor will be able to do an adequate job in the face of a patient’s needs. Doctors should be humble and admit their knowledge gaps as it is one of the most important characteristics for a physician to have. There are many cases where doctors need help from other specialists but they refuse to seek assistance which leads to negative consequences.
It is possible for doctors to admit when they don’t know something without losing their professional integrity and pride, this would increase their credibility in their field.
You Have a Focus Commitment & Sheer Discipline
Focusing on the patient’s well-being is paramount when it comes to being a good doctor. But what about you and your own family? The half-asleep sick person seeing you at 6 pm doesn’t care about the problems that are keeping you from doing those things. This patient and their family are counting on you to do your best. No shortcuts to get out on time.
If you’ve absolutely got to be somewhere, don’t put yourself in a position where it might not happen. It is wrong for doctors to rush through surgery just because they have somewhere to be. Medicine is a calling and not some easy 9-5 job. If patients are someone’s main priority, it should be the doctor and not about catching a flight or other commitments.
These were the top skills you should have to be the doctor that people remember all time.. what about the theoretical knowledge and practical training that qualify you to become a doctor in the first place? Here comes the vital role of the University of Debrecen.
What’s The Medicine, Full-time Graduate Program at The University of Debrecen
The objectives of the 6-year Medicine program are determined by well-established standards of medical education and designed to reflect the unique strengths and goals of the University of Debrecen Faculty of Medicine. We have a training program for doctors who can use their skills to contribute to the healthcare system as part of their professional commitment.
You’ll demonstrate your dedication to compassionate care, advocacy, and service. You will not only have the knowledge and skills for enrolment in a first or second postgraduate specialist medical training program and following a successful exam in a specialty field but you’ll also continue your career of a chosen specialty by working as a specialist; in possession of the required theoretical knowledge and practical skills, you will become a successful candidate for training at Ph.D. schools.
Minimum admission requirements for this program are a high school certificate, Entrance examination in biology and physics/chemistry OR successful completion of Basic Medicine Course at the University of Debrecen, English language proficiency (assessed at the compulsory entrance examination)
Medical graduates of the University of Debrecen are not required to take the PLAB exam in order to practice in the UK.
In conclusion,
Of course, skill and effort are a big part of becoming a doctor that people remember all time. Be the doctor that people remember all time by combining your skill and effort with a genuine passion for helping others. Without that passion, you aren’t likely to become a great doctor. Doctors who treat patients as individuals with unique needs tend to be better liked, and research shows that people who like their doctors are more likely to follow their advice, have fewer complications, and recover more quickly from illness than those who don’t like their doctors.